After announcing the Smart Glass at the last E3. It has unveiled Surface, a digital tablet designed to compete with, among others, the Apple iPad. It will be marketed to a date to be announced in two different models.

The first run on Windows and RT should be directed to the general public, carrying a memory from 32 to 64 GB depending on configuration and an HD display. The second, more interesting, more exclusive, and probably more costly, will use the new Windows 8 will be available in 64 GB and 128, but above all will have a full HD, better connectivity (microSDXC, USB 3.0. ..) and an Intel i5 Ivy Bridge.

 But what must also be retained is that Surface will be sold with built-in support and a standard keyboard or a pressure keyboard, as you can see in this video. Obviously, we look forward as Microsoft unveils more about the type of embedded content, and focus on how the application will run on Smart Glass on Surface.


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